Saturday, September 05, 2009

Absolute consciousness is " baseless"

Absolute consciousness is " baseless". It does not require any thing to support. It has formless form, shapeless shape and colorless color. It is a void of illusion. It is objectless. What you see (view) is object of eyes. What you hear is object of ears. What you smell is object of nose. What you feel ( hot / cold ) is object of skin. What you taste is object of tongue. All these sensory organs are object of mind. So mind is King. Every object and senses are understood by mind. but it is also object of knowledge. Ponder on this you will come to know, converse is not true means eyes cannot be object of view, tongue cannot be object of taste and so on. This proves by the virtue of senses, sensory organs and mind you cannot sense feel or describe absolute consciousness.

Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj

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